My aura is art
The alarm by my bed goes off for the third time with a song playing to wake me up. But not even Justin Bieber can wake me up at 6:00am. I crawl out of bed with my signature ode to any powerhouse with curly, pretty thick hair-( I picked Beyoncé today, of course) tossed over one eye and head to the bathroom. I get dressed for school and before I leave I managed to take a selfie or three and finish a 1 1/2 piece of a pop tart and go out the door. I take selfies just as much as the next person. However we may or may not fall into an immediate holt when we think someone is watching as we take up the opportunity to acknowledge our bright faces.
I love selfies and like to watch people take their own selfies. Society is set on being yourself but there is some penalty on individuality if its viewed as weird or something. Selfies are just subjective. Selfies can be described as a metaphor for narcissism. But are we all a little narcissistic? We all want to be liked just as much as our selfies. Some may take more than others but majority love to document our daily lives. People are shamed for share too many selfies in one day. I am always hesitate to share two many selfies from being called too self-observed. But are they called selfies for a reason, for yourself being observed into the cyberspace. I and my friends are always asking each other should or shouldn’t we post a photo of ourselves. And is there a number we should stick with so we can avoid the self-observed title? I have to remind my self that its my account. People follow me for any reason. I think if people follow me for awhile they have an idea as to who I am about. I shouldn’t have to question how many selfies I should post daily or anytime. If I have them and love them I can show them if I want to. Some people may think selfies were made for the rich and others just copy. That maybe a yes and a no. For instances some people take selfies to engage with society but only want our friends to really like it.
As what people might think of selfies, it doesn't have to be seen as a shallow activity. I like to watch girls take selfies as their personal yet not so-personal art exhibit. That's basically what Instagram is for me. I think its so beautiful the way a girl can choose how to see themselves through a phone camera. I like that I have complete control on how the world sees her. She has the choice if she wants to smile or not in her own selfie. A girl has the power to choose how not only how she looks but how she wants society to see her. The world has the ability to tell girls what is negative about a girl, what girls can and cannot do. We don't always have an outlet that is powerful and personal at the same time. I think selfies are healthy but they are not all that we are valuable for.However a simple way to encourage self-love is always valuable.