How You Use The Internet Might Change Soon For the Worse
The FCC just announced its plan to slash net neutrality rules, allowing ISPs like Verizon to block apps, slow websites and charge fees to control what you see and do online. Network Neutrality is usually defined as the principle that internet service provide(ISPS) should treat all online content equally without blocking or slowing down specific websites on purpose or allowing companies to pay for preferential treatment. Congress will vote December 14th. But if Congress gets enough calls, they can stop the FCC. If you love the internet and want it as you please sign the petition in this link. You (or your parents) pay approximately $40-$100 or higher for internet. So that you can all use YouTube, Google, Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, etc. This isn’t limited to social media. Net neutrality says, “Okay, since you already paid x amount of money for the month, you don’t have to pay for each asset individually. Enjoy your internet.” No net neutrality means that your service provider (Comcast, AT&T, Verizon, whatever it may be) gets to say “ACTUALLY, it lines our pockets so give us an extra $5.99 for YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. Oh, but that doesn’t include for example Tumblr; that comes with our premium package. That’ll be $5.99 on its own as well. kill net neutrality, which in turn will kill the internet, which in turn will help eradicate democracy. it won’t just affect Americans, it has the potential to affect the entire internet, something we ALL use daily.Email your congressman (text "resist" to 50409). It’s easy, you don’t have to talk to anyone. You can tweet at Ajit Pai, the Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission. In America, you already know how expensive everything is. Democrats and Republicans both want net neutrality. Advocacy groups in touch with congress have said that if your members of congress receive calls from you, they are more encouraged and more likely to take action to stop Pai’s plan to do without net neutrality.
A member of the FCC is saying to not kill net neutrality, the masses should respond. Your insight about the situation is what matters. One of the most important things to realize that losing Net Neutrality will impact how you get jobs, how you navigate the educational system, what media you're exposed to, smaller and local businesses and a lot more. it's not just losing out on social media and memes. This is everyone’s issue.
Quote of the Day:
"The treatment of the Palestinian people is unfair, one-sided and should not be tolerated. I stand with Palestine."-Bella Hadid talking about Trump ordered to move the US embassy to Jerusalem resulting in riots that have 31 people injured