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Front Lines of The Dakota Access Pipeline

Updated 11/30, 2:12 p.m.: Despite the governor's announcement to evacuate Standing Rock, DAPL protesters, including tribal members, are confirming their stance to hold out at the camp. Sioux Tribal Chairman Dave Archambault said the demonstrations will remain ongoing, and Chase Iron Eyes of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe said they're in it for the long haul, CNN reports. New Day reports there are thousands of people in this camp. A tribal headsman stated they are not going anywhere. The weather is frigid yet enforcements have taken intimation as a way to disperse the community from the camp by tear gas, rubber cannons and water sprays that are below body temperature.

"We have ... about 10,000 people, including 2,000 veterans who are coming to join the peaceful, non-violent and unarmed protest in Standing Rock to protect clean water. Not only that but the constitutional civil liberties and human rights and international rights of a nation to nation relationship, between our tribal nation and the United States and treaty groups," Iron Eyes said. "We expect a win."The Army Corps of Engineers declared they’re emptying out the camp by the fast-approaching deadline of Dec. 5. On Monday, governor of North Dakota Jack Dalrymple, offered an evacuation of Standing Rock for safety reasons. U.S. veterans to form human shield at Dakota pipeline protest. Many people from places like Providence protesting on the behalf of #NoDapl. People such as Shailene Woodley to Pharell. Actress Shailene Woodley was arrested when she was identified by police at a protest organized on the construction grounds this past October. She recorded her experience and was arrested during filming the video which she shared it on social media. The rapper Vic Mensa using his support in the front lines of the Dakota Pipelines. For the past three days, the progressive Mensa has been standing in solidarity with the Standing Rock tribe on their reservation as they continue to fight for the right to protect their supply of clean water.“If you believe in the inalienable rights of people; the right to clean drinking water, the right to food and shelter, and the right to freedom then you have to support standing rock,” he stated in an Instagram post. “Get on a plane, drive, take a bus do whatever you have to do... When one of our freedom is on the line all of our freedom is on the line. Fight for freedom.” Supplies such as wood or extra food has been denied to the camp or a person could get fined.

Fighting for freedom is all we hope to do. And we will never stop.

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