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Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Got Ambushed

Women are striving to break the status quo. Girls and women have intellect and strength. Award-winning author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichi is no different. Chimanmanda Ngozi Adichi posted a statement about how BBC ambushed her to do a panel discussion when she was invited as a guest on Newsnight. Read her entire account of the ordeal, below.

She wasn't informed that she wasn't going to be in discussion with anyone. In frank disgust that her interaction with a Trump supporter was nothing other than awkward and upsetting. She expressed the experience was sneakily pitting her against a Trump Supporter was not about balance for BBC ratings. As to many issues where is two sides to every issue in the world its clear that TV companies could use this as a deliberately adversarial strategy that news organizations use in the pursuit of what is often called ‘good television. She will the Trump supporter prior the interview, the man and her shake hands after she was taken back by his cold shoulder. But it was pre-judgment to find out he was an older man with hearing problems. Sometimes we become distant towards others we don't understand since she figured that the Trump supporter was hard of hearing there was sympathy in her part. She was fully determined to speak honestly, and not be distracted by the Trump Supporter.

That was the mission until the Trump Supporter said that word ‘emotionally.’ “I do not respond emotionally like this lady,” man who said during the interview. "Normally I would not think of ‘emotional’ as belittling. Emotion is a luminous, human quality. I am often emotional – gratefully so." But in this context it was coded language with a long history. To say that I responded ‘emotionally’ to the election was to say that I had not engaged my intellect. "‘Emotional’ is a word that has been used to dismiss many necessary conversations especially about gender or race. ‘Emotional’ is a way of discounting what you have said without engaging with it," she continued in her essay. This going notion is evidence that such as any opposite race, cis white people have no to little to say on how to decide what was racist and what was not. For any Trump supporter for that matter to say Donald Trump is not a racist, even though the evidence is glaring, is astounding to say the least. The House Majority Leader of Donald Trump’s own Republican party condemned Donald Trump’s racism."

She left the interview very upset however it shined a light in an inconvenient fact to many Americans that "America no longer feels like America," she signs off her compelling words to her Facebook.

Advice of the Day:

"Femininity is about owning your power, embracing your womanhood,"-Alicia Keys

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