Black Women Shouldn't Have to Save Us All From Republicans
These past few month, elections we have made strive that made up for a disappointing loss for millions when Trump claimed presidency. We...
Skai Jackson Talks about Diversity In Hollywood
Skai Jackson is many things, an actress, style enthusiast, a viral meme, hair guru and an a storm warrior on defeating internet trolls. A...
What You Can Do When Social Anxiety Prevents You From Being Advocate For Social Issues
The many social issues seems to be overwhelming to acknowledge them all and it seems to be too many issues to digest in this climate. Its...
This Is All The Things You Should Know About The Most Important Case In America Right Now
There have been cases of people using self-defense that have resulted in tragedy and unrightfully cause the victim to be a criminal....
Gabby Douglas is one of the Olympic athletes that are victims of sexual assault
⭐️Trigger Warning! This article discusses physical and emotional abuse. If you or you know someone who is struggling with depression,...
Here's What You Need To Know About The Issue Between Black People and Assault
Sexual assault allegations are on a high within the entertainment industry. Many people across the age, race and sexuality spectrum has...
This Day Is Trans Day of Remembrance
If you love peanut butter, you might enjoy today that its National Peanut Butter Fudge Day. However, if you want to celebrate two things...
World Children's Day
Today is full of holidays as it is National Peanut Butter Fudge Day. And today it is World Children's Day. Children are the next...
Good Words to Use When You Feel Unheard
As women and girls it is more than difficult at times we aren't invited into enough safe spaces, listened to when we speak up, considered...
Actress Tessa Thompson Made An All-Woman-Playlist For You
If you are in need for a new playlist to get you through the drowsy hours of losing sunlight at 5pm, actress Tessa Thompson has you...