Beyoncé Interviews Solange
This interview can make your day so much better. Beyoncé interviewed Solange. Within the staggering success of Solange's A Seat at the Table, that which was symbolic of lows and highs of what's its like to be a person of color and woman of color in today's society. She brought that magic from the album to her first television performance on SNL. On January 10th, Beyoncé posted the photo above that made me want to jump out of my body into a million golden sparkles. In a phone conversation for Interview, the musical/performing queen sisters, they discuss: Solange's choice of her writing style, tone in her voice, physicals, their hometown in Houston and how social circumstances inspired the record. The interview felt natural and inspiring to say the least among sister forces of nature. Their contrast ways in their music, Beyoncé's pop marvel and Solange's funky and soul sound can be heard within an earshot. It was clear that Solange was careful for her direction on the sincerity of the message for black culture especially among black women. This record is considered response of the world involving racial tensions on issues such as cultural appropriation and social conations in black hair.

Random facts from the interview: Solange performed on Yo Gabba Gabba, runs her record label and online cultural hub Saint Heron, she and Beyoncé kick butt as being the best of sisters. Thanks for allowing the world a peek into your sisterly conversation - it was thoughtful and showed another lever of the artistry of both of you. So, yes their sister dominance and queen aesthetic is so unfair and beautifully made.
Advice of the Day:
"The best advice I've ever been given? Nicole Kidman said, "Find your tribe." I like that," -Elle Fanning