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Rowan Blanchard Shared A Hashtag That Is Relatable For People Being Called "Different" By

If you ever been called "different" or "weird" well you could say that makes you special. Its nice to find friends that accept you for who you are. You can take a digital approach to that and follow people who are like-minded and can be seen on Instagram being just as themselves as you are. It doesn't matter what your interests, sexuality, or any characteristic you may have to separates you from a particular group if you have good supportive friends and followers. Actress and activist Rowan Blanchard took to Instagram to shared the hashtag #NotAPhaseMom, that it so simple yet so familiar to young people discovering who they are despite parents rebuttal. Unfortunately young people go through a lot of physical and emotional changes. Its not fair to compare a change in a certain way to apply makeup to psychological experiences like experiencing depression. Whether or not going through something psychologically influences decision-making. A lot of times parents can label their child's interest as a phase being they don't understand it or simply don't approve of it. Its hard to remind others or know yourself whether what you may be experiencing is indeed a phase unless you claim that is or not. Hopefully family and friends will accept you for who you are or what your interests are to become your greatest supporter.

Quote of the Day:

“If you’re walking down the right path and you’re willing to keep walking, eventually you’ll make progress.” - Barack Obama

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