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Good Words to Use When You Feel Unheard

As women and girls it is more than difficult at times we aren't invited into enough safe spaces, listened to when we speak up, considered in the conversation of equality as a whole. Its frustrating for many women to wather other women decry sexual violence and harassment unless their friend has been accused. Then suddenly there's more to the story. The intensity of actions and repercussions have been in the news as of late that has encourage women and men to come forward with their experiences of sexual assault. The news is flooded with claims by women and men being assaulted by men with power in the workplace. These days show that anyone has a choice when and if to speak up for their own experiences with assault, harassment or rape. Girls and women have every right to speak when they do not feel heard whether that is at school, work etc. One twitter use Gem @vegbby tweeted a viral tweet decoding ways women can practice good statements when they don't feel heard below.

These statements are great for voicing that you want to heard. These statements are useful because they get the point across that you are serious about your boundaries, upfront about how you feel and also want to be professional when others aren't in their suggested body gestures, sexist words, behavior that makes you feel unsafe or uncomfortable. It can be difficult for anyone to get a voice when others the environment is intimidating any nature like your boss, teacher or classmate anyone that can have advances of power over you. But its more important that you feel safe and comfortable when you are around people that are supposed to make you feel safe and comfortable. You can you these statement whenever necessary. After all you deserve to share your opinions, ideas as well as be present too.

Quote of the Day:

"I'm known for proving people wrong, Remember that." Cardi B

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