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This Day Is Trans Day of Remembrance

If you love peanut butter, you might enjoy today that its National Peanut Butter Fudge Day. However, if you want to celebrate two things today, its World Children's Day and Trans Day of Remembrance. TDOR is a day to celebrate the lives and work of trans creatives, and those that lost their lives in violence. The Trans Day of Remembrance was founded in 1998 to remember the murder of a Black trans woman, Rita Hester. Its a day to remember the 25 trans people who have been murdered in the United States in 2017 alone. We remember all the trans folks who cannot safely be themselves on a daily basis. We remember all the things that trans people deserve but don't have access to-things like housing, jobs, affordable and competent healthcare, days free of violence, and families and communities who lift them up.

Trans Remembrance Day is a day to honor and pay respect to those we've lost through transphobia and the refusal to see respect and protect our transgender peers. Its also a day to look around a day to look around and see who might need some care, some words of kindness or a nod of acknowledgment. Let us do this every day. Protect each other, speak up for each other. Lets not be horrible to others.

Worldwide, a trans person is slaughtered every 3 days. The victims are primarily trans women of color and gender nonconforming people of color. Its one of the many reasons to know how to be respectful towards trans, nonconforming people. One surefire way to acknowledge them is to always ask someone's pronouns (she/her/,he/him/,they/them) never assume. Let people speak about their own experiences instead of speaking for or over them. Trans Lives Matter.

Quote of the Day:

"Don't let the toxic mixture of fear and laziness mess with your goals, ambition and productivity."-Katya

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